There are 22 cosmetology esthetician salon licenses held by individuals and organizations from Harris County that are set to expire during September, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 194 cosmetology esthetician licenses held by individuals and organizations from Harris County that are set to expire during September, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are two property tax professional CE provider licenses held by organizations from Harris County that are set to expire during September, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 142 cosmetology beauty salon licenses held by individuals and organizations from Harris County that are set to expire during September, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 136 cosmetology mini salon licenses held by individuals and organizations from Harris County that are set to expire during September, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 20 property tax appraiser licenses held by individuals and organizations from Harris County that are set to expire during September, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 140 barber, class A licenses held by individuals from Harris County that are set to expire during September, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are nine cosmetology private school licenses held by organizations from Harris County that are set to expire during September, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 29 barber shop licenses held by individuals and organizations from Harris County that are set to expire during September, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.